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Performance & Compatibility

Will the fraud0 script affect the website performance?

The fraud0 tracking script is structured to minimize the impact on the performance of your website.

To do so, we only collect some basic information on page load. Additional information which requires some more computation on the user’s device is postponed to after the page load, so the loading performance is not affected.

Please note that the additional information is not collected for cases where the basic information is sufficient to identify self-declaring bots like Google's Googlebot.

Will this affect valid and converting users?

No. We only exclude fraudulent non-human and low-quality users from clicking on your ads. And we only do so when we’re 100% certain. We never exclude real paying customers.

Why is data not the same as in Google Analytics?

There are different reasons why the data in Analytics differs. The most common one would be that fraud0 usually fires before consent. Therefore we can show you a lot more information which you would usually not see due to consent reasons.

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