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Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft Advertising.png

This guide helps you to connect fraud0 with your Microsoft Advertising account. There are a total of 4 steps you need to take to protect your advertising budget in Microsoft Advertising.

Follow these steps:

  1. Implement Microsoft Advertising Tag (Step 1/4)

  2. Create New Audience (Step 2/4)

  3. Exclude fraud0 Audience (Step 3/4)

  4. Manually Block IP Addresses (Step 4/4)

Implement Microsoft Advertising Tag (Step 1/4)

Step 1: Implement Microsoft Advertising Tag in Google Tag Manager

This step shows you, how to implement the Microsoft Advertising Tag via Google Tag Manager. This Tag is needed to create a new Microsoft Ads audience for the audience exclusion.

fraud0 - GTM - new Tag-20221116-190809 (7).jpg

  • Within the Tag Configuration section select Floodlight Counter. The Floodlight Counter Template will open next.

There is also a Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking Template, but we recommend using the Custom HTML method.

  • Give your tag a name (F0 Bing Tag) and paste your tracking code from the Microsoft UET tag into the HTML field. You will get the tracking code in the audience creation process described below.

  • In the Triggering section you need to assign the F0 Trigger you have created before

Learn more:

CleanShotfraud0_Implementation Guide 1.3 - Google Docs - 000515-20221110-170948.jpg

Save the configuration

Create New Audience (Step 2/4)

Step 2: Create New Audience in Microsoft Ads

Follow these steps to create a new Microsoft Ads audience for the audience exclusion.

  • Click on the Audiences item in the main menu under Shared Library

CleanShotfraud0_Implementation Guide 1.3 - Google Docs - 000517-20221110-171319.jpg

  • Click on Create audience

CleanShotfraud0_Implementation Guide 1.3 - Google Docs - 000521-20221110-180737.jpg

  • Name your Audience (F0_Negative Audience (1))

  • Select Remarkting list (2) in the Type section and click Next (3)

fraud0 - Microsoft Ads - new Audience-20221119-104124.jpg

  • Select the UET Tag you implemented on the website. Under Whom to add to your audience select Custom Events and type in the data to the right:















equal to


  • Copy and paste the same names into the code

You need this code to complete the GTM implementation.

  • Extend the Membership duration to 90 days

Save the Audience

Exclude fraud0 Audience (Step 3/4)

Step 3: Exclude fraud0 Audience from your Microsoft Campaigns

Follow these steps to exclude the fraud0 Audience, you created in the previous step.

The fastest way to exclude the fraud0 audiences from your campaigns is to Bulk Edit all of your campaigns and then assign the created audience.

  • Go to the Campaigns (1) menu and click on the checkbox (2) to select all campaigns

  • Click on Edit (1) and Associate with audiences (2)

fraud0 - Microsoft Ads - exclude Audience 2-20221119-104616.jpg
  • Click on Add exclusion

CleanShotfraud0_Implementation Guide 1.3 - Google Docs - 000529-20221110-181951.jpg
  • Then select Remarketing lists and select or search for the F0_Negative Audience list you created in the previous step

CleanShotfraud0_Implementation Guide 1.3 - Google Docs - 000531-20221110-182023.jpg

Click on Save

You did it!

From now on, fake and low-quality traffic will be excluded from your Microsoft Ads campaigns and your ad budget is protected.

Manually Block IP Addresses (Step 4/4)

Step 4: Block Specific IP Addresses from Your Microsoft Ads

If you're running campaigns and want to ensure that specific IP addresses cannot see your ads, follow these simple steps to manually block them from your account.

  • Contact your Support Team Assistance:
    The IP addresses to be entered can be provided to you by your support team on request. Send us an email →

  • Navigate to Campaigns:
    From the navigation menu on the left, select Campaigns.

  • Select the Campaign:
    Choose the checkbox next to the campaign that you want to edit.

  • Edit Campaign Settings:
    Click on Edit and select Other changes.

  • Open IP Address Exclusions:
    From the Campaign settings dropdown menu, select IP address exclusions.

  • Enter IP Addresses:
    In the text box, enter the IP addresses that you wish to block. You can enter one IP address per line. Alternatively, you can enter a range of addresses by using a wildcard character (*).

  • Apply the Changes:
    After entering the IP addresses, click Apply to save the changes.

Important Notes:

  • Campaign Level Exclusions:
    IP exclusions must be added at the campaign level, not at the ad group level.

  • IP Address Limit:
    You can exclude up to 100 IP addresses or IP ranges per campaign.

  • IPv4 Only:
    You can only exclude IPv4 addresses. These addresses must include all four octets, each with values ranging from 0 to 255. The last octet can be a wildcard (*) to cover a range. For example, 127.0.0.* would exclude all IP addresses between and

Next Steps

In the upcoming steps, you will need to create Negative Audience lists for your other channels.

Please have a look at our other setup guides:

Need support?

Do you still have questions or require further details? Contact our support team for assistance!

Send us an email →

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