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Getting Started

Getting Started.png

Optimize your website for fraud detection with ease!

fraud0 offers two powerful JavaScript tags to help you catch fraud like a pro: the Main Tag and the Conversion Tag.

Main Tag

This is the main code and responsible for providing you a detailed traffic analysis including invalid traffic. We also include here our pixel tracking script, this loads a small 1x1 pixel above the top of the page so we can catch bots that leave before our main tag is able to execute.

➡️ Main-Tag-Implementation

Conversion Tag

This code enables us to fine-tune our detection algorithms, by tagging sessions that lead to a conversion we can detect false-positives, i.e. when a session marked as a bot performs an action only a real user would do.

➡️ Conversion-Tag-Implementation

Tag Manager

fraud0 generates one main event fraud0 which will be available in your Tag Manager Solution and may be used for Data Layer Variables and Trigger creation.

➡️ Tag-Manager

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