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Getting Started Guide

Welcome to fraud0! This guide will walk you through each step to get you up and running with fraud0.

Implement fraud0 on your website

The first thing you need to do to benefit from the fraud0 service is to implement the fraud0 code on your website. This allows us to detect bots, fake users and low-quality traffic.

Implement fraud0 via Google Tag Manager

You can also implement fraud0 via Google Tag Manager (or any other Tag Management System). However, we recommend implementing the fraud0 code directly on your website. This allows us to catch bots that may have already bounced before the Tag Manager could even load.

Connect fraud0 with your ad systems

After successfully implementing the fraud0 code on your website, you can now connect fraud0 with your ad systems. This allows you to exclude unwanted traffic from your campaigns by using audience exclusions lists.

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Do you still have questions or require further details? Contact our support team for assistance!

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